Friday, February 19, 2010

Robert Frost, "Fire and Ice"

In this poem, Robert Frost blatantly tells of how the world will end: with fire or ice. Many critics believe that he is not talking about the world being destroyed by the two elements but instead comparing them to the actions of humans. It refers to Fire being desire or lust and Ice as hate or violence. These two emotions are frowned upon in society and are normally not tolerated; typically punishable if caught performing any of these feelings.

I feel that he is a great poet and deserves every Pulitzer Prize he won. He was always known to write poems that had moral meaning behind them. These poems were, in my opinion, meant to make the reader stop and think about the wrongs committed by the people he was surrounded by. This poem is just another great example and is used to revile the immoral behavior of those who are committing wrong. These actions are harmful to everyone around you and eventually, according to Frost, will help destroy the world we know. He really speaks to the reader in only a few lines and in a way asking us to look inside ourselves and observe our sins; we are to correct them less we pay the ultimate price of the end.


  1. I agree with Moss. Frost uses amazing symbolism to exploit the flaws of the human race. With "Fire" and "Ice," Robert Frost tells of how the world will end... not necessarily of the two elements, as Moss stated, but from which sins they represent. I again side with Moss, and Frost for that matter, on these two items being the main reasons for mankind turning on one another either for "Fire" and its consequences, or "Ice." As Moss stated, these "are harmful to everyone around you"- this is the one that hit the most with me. Many families have seen the horrible endings of the desire of the human race, such as divorce, affairs, drugs, etc.

  2. I agree with moss on this one, this was by far my favorite poem out of all the ones we read. The way he described life and referred to "Fire and Ice." Although it seemed dark I believe it had truth behind the words. It was short but what I thought it said was that desire is the cause for fire and shall burn those who desire something to much! For those who hate will have their hearts turned into ice and will grow cold. Just thinking about those words hit home and should move people. Frost did deserve his awards, his poems were of a deeper meaning and beautiful!

  3. I totally agree with Cadet Moss. The story tells of fire and ice. These two elements easily describe Human actions. Around the world many people are killed over acts of desire, lust, hate and violence. Personally I don’t think Robert Frost could have picked anything else to better compare Human emotions than Fire and Ice. The world will end in Fire and Ice but the Fire and Ice will be the world ending cause of our sins. This is one of his better poems though; it really hits the reader hard and opens up their eyes.

  4. With 2012 coming faster than any of us can think, i think we must ask ourselves what is going to happen when the world comes to and end? I dont know if it will be fire or ice but its going to happen, and that Is why this poem was on our reading list. Cadet Moss does a good job describing the underlying message to the poem. His presentation was also very informative and helped me grasp the message. Robert frost is one of the best poets of all times and this is one of the best of the best, and maybe we will get to see if it is fire or ice soon enough.
