Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

I enjoyed the short story the outcasts of poker Flat written by Brett Harte. This story was about a professional gambler named Mr. Oakhurs who goes on a journey with four other people. While they were on there way to their destination. They got tired and wanted to stop and camp out for the night but Mr. Oakhurst doesnt want to he wants to keep going. Later on they they meet a horseman named Tom Simson he was known as the innocent. With him was his wife Piney she traveled with him from the sand bar to get married at Poker flat. They went to a cabin to stay the night. away from the camp before the snow came. While staying there Oakhurst wakes one morning and realizes that one of the people traveling with him has stole their mulesduring the night. Later throughout the story one by one each one of the people started dieing. From starvation, disappearance,and shot. The only too that servived was the thief billy and the innocent Simson. I really found enjoyment reading this story it showed me how helping out people you dont know can be disasterous to you and others you know . Because they can be theives, prostitues, and serial killers. It help me understand alot.

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