Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Open Boat

He was forced to remain for thirty hours in the Boat, rowing frantically aginst the tide and bailing constantly to keep the craft afloat in the treacherous water , before they were ablle to come ashore at Daytona Beach. He would expect that this story would be writted as a heart-pounding adventure tale;yest it is very cerbral in its approcach , focusing less on the adrenaline rush of danger than on the philosophical question of man's relationship to the would of nature that so completely overwhelms him.


  1. i found this story to be quite entertaining for the simple fact, that the story shows what can truly happen on the open sea and not the classic adventure stories that tell of men braving monsters and the brutal sea and coming out un-scared from their terrible experiences. this story to me shows what true realism is like because it tells the story of how 4 men braved the sea not by using magic or some divine fate but of their endurance and the friendship the forged through this experience.

  2. I really enjoyed this story as well the courage of the four men on one small boat trying to find there way to shore. i think ahs knew about this story alot but didnt write as much about it. Used important key parts that the four men went threw in this story. I completely show true realism because of the men courage in a small boat sailing in a rough sea like they were. The only disagreement about this posted is when he said that he didnt expect the story to be a heart ponding adventure. i felt like this story was an adventurous story to read. I think it has been the best so far.
