Thursday, February 4, 2010

Daisy Miller

"Daisy Miller" was a great read, although the actions of some of the characters annoyed me to an extent. Daisy Miller is just a rich girl that doesn't have too much worry in the world. She has traits that I both admire and dislike. I admire her free-spiritness and independence. I really dislike her aimless flirting, ignorance, and love games. Her independence shows that she doesn't need to depend on anyone else, and her free-spiritness shows that no one can influence her in any way. Her aimless flirting makes me think that she is a skank, and that her sense of well-being is getting men's attention. Her ignorance ultimately results in her death. I think Daisy carried on with Mr. Giovanelli to shock her social circle, and to manipulate Winterbourne into starting something with her. She liked him enough, but she could never love him, nor Giovanelli, because she is so self-centered. Of all of the characters in the story she annoyed me the most. Now on to Winterbourne. Winterbourne's worldliness and matureness is appealing to me, but his lack of initiation is a flaw. Winterbourne is very intelligent; he analyzes Daisy's character to the end of the story, and, with now avail, tries to put Daisy into a class of women. I'm not convinced that Winterbourne loves her yet, but he definitely has unresolved feelings for her, and he is charmed and mesmerized by her. Most men actively go after the woman they want; Winterbourne makes passive attempts to go after Daisy. He's not weak, but he is too much of a gentleman, therefore Daisy stays with Giovanelli. I feel sorry for Winterbourne in this story; he tries his hardest to help Daisy, and he gets nothing in return.


  1. Petty does a great job a really seeing the whole picture of the story. Ms Petty also does a great job of explaining Daisy Miller’s traits. Me being a guy there isn’t really any traits I would admire or dislike of Daisy Millers but it’s interesting to see how Ms. Petty’s feels. It’s obvious that Petty understands each character because she does such a great of explaining each one. The trait I really noticed throughout the story was Daisy’s ignorance. It really got on my nerves that see wouldn’t listen to anyone. In the end it was her downfall for not listening. It also made me remember when I wouldn’t listen to my parents when I was that age. Thankfully I didn’t die from malaria.

  2. I think this story was really a great story to read as well. I think petty really understood this short story from the beginning to the end. She understands every characters position in this story. Daisy was that type of woman that is fancy and seem rich she seems like she has the whole world under her by how her life is. The traits that she cared was real annoying. But i really enjoyed this short story alot. it showed how todays fatal attractions are with wiomen and men. DAisy not knowing if her feelings were strong for one guy and his was and the other guy her feelings were strong for and her not knowing if his was giovanelli.

  3. i found this story very interesting because i felt that alot of the character portrayed personalities of the current age. but, i also think petty has a really good understanding the characters and their actions throughout the story. to me daisy acts just like most rich girls of todays time, that think they can do what ever they want just because the have money and power.
