Monday, March 8, 2010

The Red Wheelbarrow

The poem is simply amazing. I love how just a few lines of words can set a Hugh image in the readers head. This is very easy to read seeing how William Carlos Williams never really exceeded three syllable words. I say that because he separated the words "Wheelbarrow" and "rainwater". In my opinion the poem is straight to the point. I think when the author says "so much depends upon a red wheelbarrow" he is referring to the different jobs that it can be used for. When I first thought about it, the words never really caught my eye but after reading it again it finally clicked. It’s pretty cool how those few words can make your mind wonder as if the poem was actually longer than it really is. The poem can also be looked at as only having the purpose of describing an image. Either the reader can wonder what depends on a red wheelbarrow, or the reader may just use the red wheelbarrow and the white chickens to set an image in their head. It’s also amazing to see how so little words can become such a famous poem. This will always be one of my favorite poems.

1 comment:

  1. Once again I agree with Foster. I also feel this is an amazing poem and is very easy to read, especially for people like me who hate reading. Chris brings out a good point saying that so much depends on it could be comparing it to all it's jobs but when I read it all i could see was the image of a red wheelbarrow setting beside some white chickens on a farm some place. After reading Foster's blog I can see it's got a lot more meaning then I first caught.
