Thursday, January 28, 2010


How to tell a story by Mark Twain was probably the best reading that I have read in either semester of American Literature class. For a few reasons, it was funny, true, and short and to the point. I dont want to make any assumptions but It seems as if Mark Twain was the father of modern day comedy and humor, he breaks down the two ways to be funny and the two different types of jokes that can be used to tell a story. Being Humorous or comical. In modern day you can tell the difference between the two types of stories, that comics use. Comedians like Dane Cook use a comical way of telling a story, as you already know what is basically going to happen and already lays it out for you. Other comedians such as Bill Cosby make you sit wait and listen and have to think to understand the point of his story or joke, which in the end is funnier than the blunt upfront comedy. Mark twain gives 2 good examples in the short writing that break down the difference between the two, and you immediately see the difference. Also, this was not a 10 page story or a poem that had to be disected to understand. THat is why I enjoyed this reading more than any other so far.

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