Friday, January 22, 2010

Emily Dickinson over Whitman

So far my class and I have only read and gone over Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson and out of the two I personally enjoy Emily’s work more than Walt’s. Even though Whitman’s poem are more up beat and seem to have more of a positive voice to it, Emily seems to have this air deepness in her poems and I like that. Also she seems to enjoy life and the beauty it has. In some of her poems she talks about how she comes across god or experiences a divine feeling out in nature like in, “Winter Afternoons.” This poem describes the beauty in the mountains of the Himalayas and that no matter what we do we can’t affect this.

She’s very deep in all of her poems; it doesn’t matter what she talks about wether it be a divine experience to experiencing love or even sorrow. Some people say she is a very depressed poet but what I see is the longing for love and affection like in her poem “If you were coming in the Fall.” I see how people could get the idea that she is all doom and gloom because at first glance I thought she was talking about woe is me to be alone and have no one here with me. After reading through it several times I started to get more of an understanding of it and what it truly was saying. What she was saying was if she knew when the one she loves was coming to visit she would wait for him, counting down the days/months/years it would take for him to arrive but since she doesn’t know the waiting is tearing her up inside. She describes what true love is in a way by saying no matter how long it takes I will wait for you to come. To me Emily Dickinson’s work is all about perception and the outlook of the person who is reading it. Dickinson is not all about sorrow and death, even though she mentions it a lot in her poems, she is the one who is just thinking outside the box and talking about real life issues or events in another manner.


  1. I think this is a good post because of how this person seems to have more confidence that one poet is better than the other. While reading asouders post feels like one of the poets work harder than the next one does. But in my opinion you can say that because whittman and emily are two different kinds of poets. I enjoyed reading all of there poems and short stories in class. I think personally that walt whitman is the better of that two not just because hes a poet thats understand poetry but cause hes a free verse type of writer. But overall i enjoyed bother of the poets and i enjoyed reading this post by asouders.

  2. I agree with siding with Emily Dickinson. She truly depicts what a poem should be. Poems in my opinion are words capturing the emotions, ideas, and thoughts of the mind. The enigma of never ending thoughts and processes occurring within the mind can be analyzed by turning these mental states of thoughts into poems. Emily Dickinson actually writes what she feels into her writing. She pours her heart or basically her poems are diary entries. I agree with Souders
