Thursday, April 8, 2010

Babylon Revisited

in this short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the story takes place in Paris with a young man returning to win back the love of his daughter and to break away from the sins of the past. at the beginning of the story the main character Charlie returns to Paris in hopes to reclaim his daughter from his in-laws. from this point in the story i felt that Charlie wanted to be a true father an prove to everyone that he can be the loving father Honoria needs which i also felt was ironic about her name because by getting his daughter back he could also reclaim his lost honor of the sins he committed back in his past with old friends, his wife, and his daughter. also in the story Charlie tries to break free from his past because it contained alot of sins that he regrets such as the death of his wife and the actions he committed with his friends Loraine. From this i gathered that Charlie wants to find redemption to show that he can be a respectable man not just a wealthy one and to prove that hes changes from a partier of Paris to a responsible man that just want to be with his daughter.


  1. I felt the same way. I just couldn’t figure out way he just didn’t tell his friends from the past to leave him alone. I know he tried to go and find them but that was after they ran into him. From the first time I meet them I would have just told them to leave me alone and never come around me. That played the main role for him not getting his daughter back. He wants to get back on his feet but he can’t as long as his past keeps coming up. He has to do away with them and that will fix most of his problems.

  2. i think he didn't want to tell his friends to leave him alone was for the same reasons many of us dont tell our friends that. the way i feel towards some of my friends that i want to kill or get away from i cant because i feel that were to close to separate forever or have them never be in my life and i think that is how Charlie feels. i know alot of my friends have caused me problems but from the experiences and good times i had with them keeps me from breaking our friendship and i think Charlie sees that to.
